
Melbourne Church Christmas Outreach Casts Nets in Deep Water

Melbourne New Hope Community Church evangelized in the local shopping center and Deakin University campus and experienced the guidance of the Holy Spirit to cast the nets into the deep water.

Four members joined the street and campus evangelism. In the beginning, they felt hard to open mouth, but very soon the Spirit has placed the conviction and courage in their hearts, so they boldly approached people with sharp and deep questions.

“As I entered the topic in a straightforward way, I realized people’s spirit responded immediately since their spirits are seeking the truth.” one member reflected after having conversations with several people.

Four members have been evangelizing longer hours than they planned to because they felt great joy in sharing the Gospel. And God has paved the way: the weather turned out to be very good even though the weather forecast said it might be rainy; Deakin University, which already started its holiday, was holding a research program and many students gathered in the campus; moreover, the Spirit has poured the joy of salvation into the hearts of the members that they felt the more they share the Word of God, the more strength they received.

It is prayed that the continuous outreach efforts will bear abundant fruit.