
Pentecostal Staff Retreat at Olivet Centre: An Expository Study of Galatians

The serene surroundings of the Mangrove Mountain Christian Retreat Centre provided a perfect setting for a recent Pentecostal staff retreat at the regional Olivet Centre. The retreat, which gathered church staff and leaders from across the region, focused on an in-depth expository study of the Book of Galatians.

The Book of Galatians, a powerful New Testament letter penned by the Apostle Paul, was the centerpiece of the retreat’s agenda. Participants delved deeply into its themes of Christian freedom, faith, grace, and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. Through guided discussions and reflective sessions, the staff explored Paul’s teachings that emphasize salvation by grace through faith alone, without the necessity of adhering to the old Mosaic Law.

Keynote speakers led the group through each chapter, highlighting the pivotal messages that Paul conveyed to the Galatian churches. The retreat underscored the liberating power of the Holy Spirit, who not only frees believers from the bondage of legalism but also empowers them to live a life marked by the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Through communal prayer, worship, and interactive workshops, the retreat fostered a deeper understanding of how to live out these Christ-like qualities in daily life and ministry. Attendees left the retreat renewed and inspired, equipped with a refreshed vision to guide their congregations in embodying the freedom and grace found in Christ, and in cultivating a life led by the Spirit. The Olivet Centre's tranquil environment contributed to a spiritually enriching experience, making the retreat a resounding success.